Thursday, March 25, 2010
Everybody was doin' the Percy Dance

Thursday, March 4, 2010
What If? Vol 1: What if Vladamir Putin was Prime Minister of Trinidad & Tobago

As far as world leaders go, few are as colourful as Vladamir Putin. I mean how many world leaders can boast of being referred to as the sexiest leader in the world (see link). Vlad likes to practice his judo and shoot his gun, and from all appearances he is one of the poorest members of his party on the political scene with a net worth of less than US$200K.
With a leader like Putin, there would be nary a dull moment on the political front and surely there would be more bare-chested shenanigans to look forward to. At the very least, he would be a vast improvement on the PM that we have now.
So, what would it be like to have Vladamir Putin as Prime Minister? The following is my top ten list of all the ways he would make T&T a more 'interesting' place:
10. He'd build a pipeline to supply gas to the rest of the caribbean and then turn off the supply the minute they failed to pay their bill.
9. Instead of a church in Guanapo we would have Karate Dojo called 'The Lighthouse of the Lord Chuck Norris'.
8. T&T would invade Venezuela - because we can!
7. Putin would start off a President, make himself PM and then morph into the Prime President by the time those pesky term limits come knockin'.
6. We would never have spent $200M on the blimp. Instead two Putinesque gargoyles would patrol the skies 24/7 and would cost us far less than $27M a year in maintenance.
5. Calder Hart would have long been mistaken for an American and summarily shot on sight.
4. The Summit and the CHOGM would have been pre-empted in favour of the International Conference of all things Vlad.
3. New legislation regarding Criminal Penalties would be passed so that the maximum sentence for any crime would now be 'three minutes in the cage with Vladamir Putin'. Crime would be reduced by 95% the next day.
2. The Prime Minister's wife would know her rightful place is in silence and in perpetual adoration of Vlad.
And number 1.........National Elections would be replaced by a Text2Vote Poll searching for the candidate who looks best with his / her shirt off.
....And the winner is......George's Oscar Picks

If you know me at all, you would know that award shows such as the Oscars and the Grammys have left me quite jaded. I am particularly tough on the Oscars in part as a result of the deathly seriousness with which the Academy takes itself. I am also critical of the fact that for the most part, the Oscars has descended into a popularity contest very easily swayed by public sentiment and big marketing campaigns.
Monday, March 1, 2010
Poetry Break #3 - Pierced

In the busy coffee houses
That I frequent,
The waiters – they don’t know me
But lately, they spill my latte
(Almost) at will.
Grungy gamines
Trip and fall on the lines and verses
That I feed them;
They’re never hungry –
And they only sniff at
The pages of the books that I leaf.
2. Prying eyes make it difficult
For me to ascend the staircase
To the stage where
A podium and the microphone
Long fashioned into a lonely noose
awaits me;
My trousers soaked through
With hot coffee
and cold spite
Cling to me
like the words that I peel off
One by one and discard upstage.
3. I rise and take my place
in the lonely spotlight
To aver the angst
On behalf of my
Shiftless generation;
Scared shitless generation
With too many stories
To tell
And bubbles
like the bile to the back of my throat and spills out of me like so:
4. A goth-ed chick
Stands before me
The Dark around her eyes
Absorbs the light
In a monotone drawl
She says:
‘I am the queen
of mono-syllabic rage’
And bludgeons me
With her soliloquy.
5. ‘Shit!’ She calls me.
‘Bitch!’ I reply
And shift my eyes downstage.
I search the glare
For a love long lost.
And try not to recall
How I was once impaled
On that love
Pierced and tattooed
And Twisted as you.
6. Was I Ever more
Than the object of
Your murderous fixation?
Another one of your
Trampled flowers
Another door
That you preferred to keep closed
And the retreating light
From above the threshold
In the face of your rage
7. Your eyes juxtaposed
Bring me
Sharply into focus
And line me up
With the horns
On your face
Four legs and four feet
Hastily scratch
The dusty ground
Shaking the folds
Of her dark grey
8. And shakes
the empty branches
of a tree long silent
And a heart that
still trembles
And pines,
For the shadows
That haunt its every corner,
And the yearning
Each time
the rhinoceros climbs down
And peers in.